Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Intel 32nm Westmere Desktop Processor

Intel Introduces the 32nm Westmere Family of Processors

Intel has already been in the news once today with the announcement plans to spend $7 billion over the next two years on 32nm manufacturing facilities in the U.S. With the slowing U.S. economy and the stimulus plan being voted on in the Senate today, it is nice to see corporate America doing their part by trying to stop the vicious cycle of plant closures, layoffs, and government bailouts. If that isn't big enough news, Intel had a news briefing just moments ago in downtown in San Francisco that involved a processor road map update presented by VP Steve Smith and Senior Fellow Mark Bohr. The highlight of the meeting was the discussion about new milestones for the 32nm manufacturing and progress toward future products.

Key Highlights:

  • Intel has developed a 32nm logic technology with industry-leading features
  • Intel is first to demonstrate working 32nm processors
  • Intel’s 32nm process is on track for production readiness in Q4 ’09
  • Both CPU and SoC versions of this 32nm process will be available
  • Intel is on track for launching new generations of process technology on a 2 year cadence
  • Intel's 45nm Havendale/Auburndale might not be produced since the 32nm is doing so well

Intel 32nm Westmere Processor

The briefing included the first-ever demonstration of a working 32nm-based microprocessor in both mobile and desktop systems. A 32nm Westmere mobile and desktop processor was used in both of the demo systems and production of Westmere will begin in the fourth quarter of 2009. Intel will release processors based on Westmere into mobile, desktop and server segments over time as the 32nm process ramps up once all the 32nm fabs swing into full production.

Intel 32nm Westmere Processor

Currently only the Intel D1D Fab in Oregon is able to produce the 32nm Westmere family of processors, which is why Intel announced they will be investing $7 billion in U.S. Manufacturing Facilities. Intel is investing approximately $7 billion this year and next on 32nm manufacturing technology, bringing our total by the end of next year to approximately $8 billion (for 32nm investment in the U.S.). This new investment is made against the backdrop of Intel’s combined capital and R&D investment in the U.S. of more than $50 billion since 2002.

Intel 32nm Westmere Processor

Intel's tick-tock model is still hard at work and the very first 32nm Westmere processor that Intel produced was able to boot an operating system on the very first try.

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