Monday, February 23, 2009

Intel drops some official news on the 2go PC

Intel 2go PCWe’ve finally run across some solid-looking information about that highly-rumored portable notebook coming from Intel. The small education-targeted computer will be named 2go PC and comes with a very decent set of features including an Intel Celeron M processor and 512 MB of memory (upgradable to 1GB).

If you look close you can make out the details in the spec sheet after the jump, but to save you some eye strain some of the notable features include overall dimensions of 8.7″x7.3″x1.5″, a 9″ LCD (840×480), 40GB 4200RPM HDD, 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi, a SDMMC memory card reader, integrated 30fps camera and it runs Windows XP and has support for Linux.Intel 2go PC specification sheetThis notebook is sure to take a bite out of Negroponte and the OLPC laptop in at least some markets. Although the XO laptop has yet to reach it’s $100 price tag goal, it does sell for less than the expected $400 on Intel’s 2go PC, and is more adapt for outdoors and remote locations. Non third-world classrooms however are sure to take a liking to this one. The notebook is manufactured by CTL and is expected to be on shelves before the end of May.

Intel 2go PC laptop with the cover closed

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